How come Jesus or Angel never spoke to me?
A: Dear Maricel,
What a great question! The Bible doesn’t tell us there will be school building as we know them now, but we will be constantly learning. Just imagine, instead of a science teacher trying to explain things from a book, Jesus will teach us Himself. Instead of studying a book about the stars, or watching a video, we will just fly out to the stars and visit them! Instead of reading a book about history, Jesus will be able to show us just as it was happening, as if we were there! And instead of needing to read the Bible to understand Jesus, he will teach us all about Himself. And every new day we will learn new and exciting things. The Bible tells us that “No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (2 Corinthians 2:9).
Thanks for writing, and remember, there's never been a better time to share Jesus!
Your friend, Pastor Howard